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Welcome to our website and the races «Ursa Trail» and «The Tracks of the Bear».
Our aim was to design the path in order to bring the athletes through the habitat of the bear and also to raise the awareness of environmental protection and the prevention of extinction of the brown bear.
The route passes from old paths that have been cleaned time and again with lots of volunteer work and can now be used not only by athletes on the day of the races but also by everyone for walking or hiking.
The total length of the races «Ursa Trail» and «The Tracks of the Bear» is 40km with 2700m total positive climb and 20km with 1050m total positive climb, respectively.
The route goes through some of the historical pathways and monuments of exceptional aesthetic and natural value in the region. The first part of Ultra Trail forms a number eight (8) and lies east of Arachthos river in the region of Anilio while the second part, which is also the path of the small race, extends west of Arachthos in the area of Metsovo.
Ursa Trail 2017
Η γραμματεία είναι έτοιμη
Ursa Trail 2017
Ursa Trail 2017
20οχλμ. ΣΚΑΜΝΙ Χ. Καλαμπούκας
Ursa Trail 2017
Εκκίνηση Ursa Trail
Ursa Trail 2017
Ο αγώνας μέσα από τα μάτια των παιδιών
Ursa Trail 2017
Απονομή Ανδρών Χνάρια Αρκούδας
Ursa Trail 2017
20οχλμ. ΣΚΑΜΝΙ
Ursa Trail 2017
20οχλμ. Α. Βασιλάτου - Νικήτρια Ursa Trail
Ursa Trail 2017
6οχλμ. ΖΥΓΟΣ Η τετράδα των νικητών
Ursa Trail 2017
Eglof, Morales, Hernandez
Ursa Trail 2017
Ursa Trail 2017
Απονομή Ανδρών Ursa Trail
Ursa Trail 2017
Pasta Party
Ursa Trail 2017
Απονομή Γυναικών Ursa Trail
Ursa Trail 2017
Εκκίνηση Χνάρια Αρκούδας
Ursa Trail 2017
Ursa Trail 2017
Οι Urses τερματίζουν
Γιάτσεκ Μπόκοτς
Ursa Trail 2017
H αρκούδα στα χέρια του νικητή
Ursa Trail 2017
Απονομή Γυναικών Χνάρια Αρκούδας
MEGA Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Institutional Sponsors